Crazy Monkey

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This website is a multi-Purpose website it has games and funny websites like movies and pictures...

Yo Im Con And This is my Site Come check My stuff.


Hey Every one is me the other co-founder, BC come on in and have some fun. The things i say are always this color blue...

shooting bush? (FREEDOM OF SPEECH!) im a kid :(

   The home page will tell you what is new and what is coming soon...
Whats new?- New pictures, HELLZZZ YAAAA!!! And a new story
Whats coming?- Duh new pictres and storys again + mabe a lil video

Here is a Forum:




MA MA MA MONKEYS! see no evil, hear no evil smell no evil,,,

This remiends me of that one time my grandma survived the fall off of the empire state building....
     She was minding her own buissness you know, throwing pennies off the top (lol) when BAM!!! All of a sudden King Kong came out of no where and threw her 15 blocks away from that building! It was crazy! I was still a feties but i remeber it like it was 5 years ago....

Jesus.. is soo cool
He fixed my 2 inch....... never mind

What's New?
Heres The Big Premiere of the Site
Crazy Monkey

HA HA HA!! I bet he is high!
monkeycon inc.  is not responsable for New/old drug addicts. Thank you


Accepting Donations Just E-Mail CON or BC We will email you back with Adresses for checks or cash! ;) E-mails in the link "contact us" :)