Crazy Monkey

Random storys!!!!!! (yay)

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Ok i was with my grandma right then the devil comes and says: " Beat me in basketball or i will eat and burn your children!!" (well this didnt matter to me because i got a victomy so i cant have kids any way). So I say "ok but if I win i get unlimited wishes and never will go to hell."  "ok." said the devil and we started to play! Now the game started pretty easy because he was so big he could'nt even fit out of the hole he made in the ground so i was up 537 to 2 (he got the two points from bribing the ref just like in the 2006 super bowl i mean did you see those calls!!?? Really.) So with the game over satian screams "NooooO"! Then says "I am still gonna eat your children.. and burn them!" Then i told him i cant have children then he flys 50 feet into the air and randomly combusts (blows up)   so happy aint it?? :) :D 8 D 8 ) :p 8 P
                                                          The End

Saw a guy at micy D's bouught 3 triple cheese burgers 2 fries ate em all but the weird part.. but then... a diet coke BECAUSE HE WAS WATCHING HIS FIGUREEE if u are watching your Freakin weight then go tooo... not a fast food place!!

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